Cardiac arrhythmias
May, 10th 2011,
Today, I can say about the device "Universal"very positive information. For almost two months I used the device to treat the father and the grand daughter. Frankly, even my daughter,who was skeptical about this kind of treatment , was surprised .She suffered from cardiac arrhythmias, after 2 months of using the device she has diagnosed. NO arrhythmia. Fantastic! The father is 78 years and has a lot of health problems. But we both see the improvement in his health.
Feedback left: Tatiana Selena
"Universal " has helped to cure tuberculosis
April 20, 2011, patient history; Travkin Valery born 1989
He fell ill with pulmonary tuberculosis while serving in the army. Treated for six months at the hospital , then was directed for further treatment at home. In Cherkasy Oblast TB Dispensary was treated for about a month and then underwent surgery. 5 months later noted a general deterioration in the state. A week after the start of conventional therapy, device "Universal "was programmed The programs were chosen for decision of 4 tasks: antimicrobial action, clinical, detoxifying and maintaining the main body systems. The device worked 23 hours a day. As a result, firstly, the patient sufferred much less of an aggressive antibiotic therapy, the symptoms of intoxication were stopped quickly, the temperature returned to normal, appetite recovered, the young man began to gain weight , at control research of a phlegm the result was negative.
We treat psoriasis with the help of the device «Universal»
March, 16th 2011, 16:22
Theme, which I propose for consideration - is not casual.Some time ago I was visited by a patient suffering from psoriasis She came to have a BRT-test. . She explained that the plaque, similar to psoriatic lesions, for several years, periodically appear on the body. She didn`t get specialized treatment as they appeared and disappeared without pain. But in late 2010, one of these plaques was accidentally scratched and began inflammation, pain, and a significant increase in size. Bioresonance testing showed the presence in the body of the parasitic background, together with helminths, protozoa and viruses, as well as psychological burdening a result of suffering a stress on the eve of the survey, which resulted in the activation of this process. Patient purchased bio-resonance and anti-parasitic therapy «Universal». The following programs were chosen : the cleansing of the body (gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and blood vessels), and after some time – the special set of programmes for psoriasis and parasites. Currently, the patient notes the absence of pain, no itching, the color of plaques and affected skin around them pale, the inflammatory process is stopped, the healing process is going on. Every day during the week the patient put these complexes and continues to do a once a day. The response has left: Anastas Grigoriev
Bad cold has passed for three hours without a single tablet
April 2011, My name is Alexey Tuzhilin. Here is how I have got rid of cold. Last Monday, on March, 28th, I have caught cold, in two days lost a voice, the nose flew, there was a strong cough. In the morning, after work, for the third day of illness, I before going to bed have put the anti-virus program wich lasts three hours. Having woken up in three hours, I felt as if I was born anew . No cough and a voice has returned. And I am healthy till now. The response has left: Alexey Tuzhilin
Device Universal has helped to solve a problem with gastrointestinal tract
During a week a patient experienced discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, the pain in his right side, in the stomach, weakness, nausea, lack of appetite. Diagnosis was carried out which confirmed the inflammatory processes in the system of the body. It was decided to program the device Universal for the range of gastroenterology antiparasitic complex .
The complex consists of 10 programs aimed at addressing this problem: gastritis, 3 (helicobacter + E. coli) bacteria overgrowth (fungi), the healing of sores, spasms of the stomach and intestines, cleaning the blood, activating the liver and gallbladder, stimulation of immunity, drainage and sanitation, nervous system. On the first day the patient felt no improvement, but by the end of the next day noticed that pain in the stomach and in the right side disappeared, after a few days she began to feel more physical strength, appetite, today is the seventh day, as the applied programs, the patient is very happy with the result. Treatment took place without the use of medicines
The response has left: Anastasia Grigorieva,a doctor
Application of the device of bioresonant therapy at a shoulder trauma
2 March 2011,
In a strong snowfall the man of 53 cleaning the snow from a roof ,fell down and injured his shoulder and forearm .He addressed us for programming of the device(he had a device Universal of his own).
According to the complaints , the complex of programs has been set: muscle pain, stretching tendons and muscles, sprain, stiff shoulders, the regulation of blood circulation. The program lasted about 4 hours. Improvements have come for the third day of application of the device, the hand stopped hurting,was moving in different directions, allowing the patient to start work without applying to a trauma center.
The patient was very happy with the result and grateful to developers of the device, The response has left: Anastas Grigoriev
Colds defeated
Since device Universal appeared at our home , we have forgotten about cold deseases. I personally every winter had an antritis turning into frontal sinusitis. This autumn, when somebody in our family get snivels, I put the device for the night under the pillow with programs: drainage, stafilok-streptokok. In the morning — no runny nose at all. The child of 2 ears old was recovering from colds with great difficulty- every time it came to antibiotics, sleepless nights and all that.Now we all sleep very soundly - and it is only Universal that doesn`t sleep at our home ..
How to cope with poisoning quickly?
February 2011,
Recently, my son Andrew had dinner in the cafe. He ordered a hodgepodge, a milkshake and something else. After 2 hours, he felt bad: strong pain in the stomach, then started vomiting. Temperature did not rise, but he was very ill, it started shivering. He begged me to give him a quick cure with "our device. " I consulted with one of our doctors, with whom we work, what programme to put.. The doctor said that it was just poisoning and advised to put a basic set of programs, which is called: Poisoning . It includes the following programs: • Regulation of blood circulation ; • gastritis 2 ; • Deep cleaning # 2 (80 minutes) . I also added Drainage Program, the regulation of kidney disease. And because it was late, put the Liver program. With this sets son went to bed. In the morning he was all right. I can not imagine what would I have done without the device? Addressing the infectious diseases hospital at night and bringing out the full range of diseases from it - the gift wouldn`t be a pleasant one!
The response has left: Irina Krasikova
It took 10 years for a diagnosis!
(The passage from Irina Krasikova blog on bioresonance)
Dear readers!
I am happy to share with you an interesting response about the work of our device of bioresonance therapy Energy Universal, namely, how therapeutic programs work in it. Recently, I have got acquainted with Lyudmila Alekseevna, who has found me through the Internet. She lives in Leningradskiy region in Tosno. She has bought the device UNIVERSAL in our Informational Medical Centre In SaintPetersburg and made VRT-test. I wanted to program the device for her , according to the recommendations of the doctor.
But she asked me to program first the therapeutic programs for her old mother who is 85 years old, Her mother lives alone. Some time ago she felt bad ,just lay in bed , couldn`t rise. I have set for mum a complex of programs, divided into 2 parts: morning and for the night.
Morning programs — standard: Active protection, regulation of heart, blood circulation, head blood circulation, regulation of the gastrointestinal tract , kidneys.
And we added her the program ” The center of joy” + programs on glaucoma and a number of programs for the night: deep cleansing, anti-stress, liver.
She began to rise from the bed,cook for herself,wash.her vital energ returned back,her mood improved! Such was an amazing, positive and fairly quick effect on the use of the device Universal.
And I would like to add that yesterday, Lyudmila has bought another device, especially for her mom! Let us wish her Mom to recover fast and return again the joy in life and good mood!
Now indeed we can definitely say that the device Universal restores vitality and health . And it does not depend on the age
As to Lyudmila Alekseevnu herself – for 10 years she has been having a very complex health problem …Her symptoms are: swelling of one leg, local swelling in some areas of blue-violet color, with subcutaneous dark red –to black circles, and the same symptoms on the hands and the skin on the neck. Naturally she has been appling to various medical institutions. At for all this time they have been consistently giving her different diagnoses: varicose veins, erysipelas, erysipelas, trophic ulcer, thrombophlebitis, etc. ...
For ten years she has gone through seven circles of hell in different clinics, with different doctors, numerous surveys and with various treatments.
Whatever she drank, ate or applied the disease progressed more and more…
At our office in Petersburg - Informational Medical Life Centre- it is possible to make the diagnostic on the newest complex of Bioresonant diagnostics "Parkes" When she came to us the diagnostic discovered a number of parasitic infestations as well as bacterial and viral groups.
The doctor appointed her bioresonance treatment .
Lyudmila registered as a partner, bought a device which I programmed for her on the basis of the doctor's recommendations.
Since her diseas was very unusual, we offered her another express test on the apparatus "Olvia" - she agreed. The result of the last test was shoking for all of us – it said: "Visceral form of disease caused by migration of larvae of worms Larva migrans”.
This diagnosis turned out for us to be mysterious and confusing.
And we started calling our practitioners to investigate what it is and whether that cause disease, but it turned out that nobody had heard of this disease. But in Wikipedia we found the answer:
Activators of visceral form (Larva migrans visceralis) are the larvae of cestodes (Sparganum mansoni, Sparganum proliferum, Multiceps spp.) And nematodes (Tohosara canis, Tohosara mysah, Tohoascaris leonina, Filarioidea, Neraticola etc.) carnivores. People become infected by ingestion of helminth eggs with water and food, and becomes an intermediate host of parasites Activators of cutaneous (Larva migrans cutanea) are Trematodes (schistosomatidae sp.), A parasite of waterfowl, and hookworm (Ancylostoma canis, A. brasiliensis, Strongyloides, etc… Worm larvae in contact with soil or human water penetrate the skin, lying in the granular layer of the epidermis or in the deeper layers, where they re-migrate into the epidermis. The skin develops a local allergic reaction, accompanied by polymorphonuclear infiltration, edema, dilated capillaries, and often the destruction of cells under the influence of parasitic proteases.
Lyudmila Alekseevna then remembered that really all this began 10 years ago when the family had a rest in the country, and later she found out that was bitten by a gadfly and all her tortures started from this moment.
But the most interesting thing is that in Wikipedia there were pictures of affected areas, and they were exactly the same as on our patient. We took pictures of them. Here they are:
That's the story of how partners and doctors work as a team!
The patient finally learned the cause of all her years of suffering, and most importantly, she has in the hands the device UNIVERSAL to get rid of this disease.
She is so happy now that after she had been diagnosed , the device was programmed specifically on her problems and disease, and now she started treatment.
Cleansing of the body by the device "Life Energy Universal”
In August 2009 I made diagnostics of the whole organism, including on presence of parasites. The results showed that my body had a lot of parasites from worms to the protozoa. I immediately decided to undergo treatment without medication, namely by means of low-frequency electromagnetic therapy apparatus.
In December I was retested and the results pleasantly surprised and pleased me: roundworm and giardia left me , the papilloma virus and ureaplasma were defeated , , varicose veins became much better, good results on the joints, weight loss and a lot more enjoyable results!
All this time I did not take a single pill, and therefore did not cause harm to m body!
I bought the device Universal in an online store and got it delivered right to the door.
It is very simple to operate and supports the programming of up to 4000 diseases. I am very grateful to manufacturers!.
The eyesight recovery after an eye trauma
M son of 10 years, had an eye injury, as a result - proferatsiya subretinal, retinal detachment ... After the first operation, the process of scarring has not stopped – the operation constantly postpone.
The eyesight constantly dropped - to 0.03.
Because of the loading on a healthy eye its sight also dropped to 0.7 (pre-injury sigh was 100%).
In August we began using Universal.
After 2.5 months did a survey - a healthy eye- 1.0, the injured - 0.04, significantly increased field of view. The surgeon did not expect this , said that it is worth to postpone the operation for a while.
The treatment of adenovirus infection by the device Universal
With the device Energy Universal it is possible to cope with the adenovirus infection in a few hours. The complex of medical programs includes: a bacterial infection, adenovirus infection , antiseptics, a lymph detox, the inflammation of the mucous. The program worked for night, the patient is absolutely healthy without any medicines. All catarrhal phenomena have passed completely.