The Life Energy Universal medical device is intended for the performance of low-frequency electromagnetic therapy — action on damaged organs with electromagnetic low-frequency radiation. Also it is designed for conducting anti-parasitic therapy on a broad range of infectious diseases.
This treatment delivers a lethal blow to various types of microorganisms. A parasite’s death occurs only when the spectrum of oscillations radiated by the device coincide with the oscillations radiated by the parasite which are in the organism. Therefore, it is very important to properly diagnose and carry out a strict course of action.
This device does not possess preventative qualities. It is only possible to cure an infection which already exists within the organism. Parasites begin to perish at a high rate, after which they end up in the blood and lymphatic systems, which can create a toxic The Life Energy UNIVERSAL allows to conduct treatment according to specially developed programs. Each of them is intended for action on a specific kind of parasite. These treatment programs are simple and accessible, and do not require any special preparation by the user. The first clinical approbation indicated a high level of the device’s effectiveness.
With the existence of several problems, the action against parasites takes place in following order:
1. helminthes, the most prevalent parasite; in many cases they prevent action against viruses; 2. protozoa; 3. funguses; 4. bacteria; 5. viruses.
Among its main programmes are:
1) "Drainage therapy”; 2) "Anti-helminth”; 3) "General anti-protozoan”; 4) "Candidiasis”; 5) "Staphylococci”; 6) "Streptococci”; 7) "Intestinal bacilli”; 8) "Salmonella”; 9) "Acute Repertory Viral Infection”; 10) "Herpes”; 11) "Ringworm”; 12) "Chlomidiosis”; 13) "Papilloma virus”.
This device is effective with respect to all of the microorganisms present in the program, regardless of the degree of infection, localization and progression, as well as the stage of the disease. It is necessary to note that during the treatment process, the main illness may intensify, which is sometimes followed by a general indisposition, temperature reaction, weakness, etc. In this case, it is necessary to increase the intervals between sessions for however many days required to improve one’s condition. As the initial phase of therapy for any chronic illness, certainly the liquidation of the pronounced intoxication syndrome should be very important. To insure this , the drainage therapy program works successfully.
This drainage therapy program should be conducted just before and just after each treatment program.
Application of the drainage therapy will diminish possible intoxication connected with the active destruction of parasites in the organism For successful performance of the anti-parasitic therapy course it is mandatory that an abundant supply of pure, un-carbonated and un-boiled (preferably structured) water be drunk in a volume of no less than 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. The device provides the possibility of getting rid of many parasites residing in the organism and causing various illnesses and also serves for treating both acute and chronic diseases .This device renders a mild, harmless action on an organism and may be applied on adults and on children, regardless of age.
Therapy is conducted in separate sessions, forming a course of treatment.
Among its programmers are such as :
Active protection Regulation of the gastrointestinal tract Regulation of cardiac activity Regulation of circulation Regulation and cleansing of the kidneys Regulation of the male urogenital system Regulation of the female urogenital system Spinal fatigue Anti-stress (insomnia) Deep cleansing of the organism Dysbacteriosis of the intestines Varicose vein widening Regulation of cholesterol
The Life Energy Universal may be applied successfully for any illness not requiring urgent surgical intervention.
Clinical tests have shown that the effectiveness rate of electromagnetic therapy is more than 85%.
The device is equipped with LCD graphical display with a resolution of 128 by 64 points, as well as a touch screen that makes it easier to work with the device. Manipulation of the device are accompanied by beeps. The device maintains its efficiency with a decrease in the total supply voltage to the battery to 1,25 V. Each program consists of a set of frequencies carried out consistently with a specified duration. From different treatment programs one can arrange therapeutic complexes.It is possible to make up 40 complexes each of 10 treatment programs. There is an opportunity to work both with each program separately, and complex as a whole. To download the software and systems unit is equipped with USB-port. The same port can be used as input to power the device from an external power source, such as a personal computer or a network adapter to 5V with a corresponding connector.
The device Universal may be reprogrammed with the help of a Programmer.The programmer is designed for recording and reading from the device Universal programs . Together with VIMlink programmes allows you to configure your device for the treatment of many diseases.
In the database of the VIMlink programmes there are more than 2500 treatment programs With the reprogramming of the device, anyone can choose an individual plan of treatment.
Programmer + program VIMlink
A set of programmes and applications VIMlink is the best choice for those who want to maximize the effectiveness of treatment both with the help of device Universal and the devices of previous versions (such as DETA -AP an DETA-Ritm ). More than 2500 programs to treat a wide range of diseases - at your service at any time.
The device Life Energy Universal is a trademark of the Russian company "BIOMEDIS M ", and is produced exclusively for VIMGROUP Company in Russia.
For the production of the device there are all necessary legal documents, such as: Registration Certificate, Certificate of Conformity, License for Manufacture of Medical Equipment.