To sum up all above mentioned we should look at a human person as the unity of informational, energetic and physical levels and the task of any medicine is to protect the person at all three levels.
According to it the following directions were developed by the Russian scientists:
Advances in the development of methods of bioresonance therapy have given new impetus to practical medicine in the treatment of not only acute illness but also chronic.
Therapy with low-intensity electromagnetic field, based on the resonant vibrations of the organs and systems of the human body, fully meets the basic principle of healing: "Do no harm” Devices using weak electromagnetic fields cause resonance in the organs and systems, and thus harmonize the whole body.
Thousands of people were able to reduce the dose of drugs, and in some cases completely waive their receipt and return the lost health.
The scientists and doctors of Biomedis company in Russia aim to create various devices in the field of bioresonance therapy.
Their new Life Energy product line allows to apply medical devices Life Energy Universal, Biomedis-mini and Life Energy Pets for any disease not requiring urgent operative intervention.
Vimgrup company, granted the exclusive right to market these unique devices, aims to bring the latest information about the value of these goods to the public, to convince people to change attitudes to their health and future life.
Our devices have no analogs ...
Fundamentally important is the absence, if used correctly, of any negative side effects.
The integrated effect on the patient both at the expense of its internal reserves, and at the expense of realized in our devices such kinds of therapies as: elektro - lazero - magnito – color therapy and homeopathy, allows to achieve treatment of the wide spectrum of diseases.
Individualization of therapy for each patient, ease of training and simplicity of application, compactness of the equipment, allow to treat patients both in stationary, and at home.
Your organism is ALWAYS ready for cooperation and work on HEALTH restoring...
But the question is whether YOU are ready to begin this uneasy work?…
If yes - we will help you and we will be always nearby in this difficult journey.